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New Faces in Indianapolis: Can Peyton Manning Hold the Colts Together?

Published by on September 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - Indianapolis Colts

Change is the order of the day in Indianapolis it seems, and for one of the most consistent franchises of the modern era it is time embark into uncharted waters.

The highly revered head coach Tony Dungy has departed, leaving former quarterback coach Jim Caldwell to step into his place. The change is undoubtedly a step down, but one advantage will be the relative familiarity Caldwell already has with the franchise, don't expect any major teething issues at the Luke.

With the departure of Marvin Harrison the Colts will no longer be able to rely on the highly successful tandem that terrorized defenses over the years, but in truth the tandem was never a force throughout the 2008 season, with Harrison struggling through injury issues.

The departure will likely be positive for Reggie Wayne, now the senior wide receiver, and Anthony Gonzalez has gone from strength to strength at Indy and is highly fancied to have another successful season.

Manning also h...

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